Antonio Gaudi

Barcelona's great architect, Antonio Gaudi, changed the face of his city. Facing discrimination and hardships as a child he had achieved goals that none could ever dream of. Architecture with inspiration from the natural world, he had created his own style of gothic architecture. He has created buildings of such elegance and allure only captured by mother nature herself. Curves, angles and images one would be fooled to think were living things, this amazing architect has designed with such care as to fool the critical human eye. The beauty of his achievements evokes appreciation for the real world and admiration of his genius.

Growing Up

Antonio Plàcid Guillem Gaudí Cornet was born on June 25, 1852, in the province of Tarragona. His father, Francesc Gaudí Serra, was a coppersmith and his mother, Antonia Cornet Bertran was the daughter of a coppersmith from Reus. As a child Gaudi suffered from rheumatism. Because of this he could’t go for long walks, which caused him to stay close to home. The fact that he was always close to home gave him much free time, which he used to observe nature and its design. Some believe that because of his exposure to these ideas it had been a major factor in his greatest qualities: observation and the analysis of nature.

His Influences

Gaudi developed his thought by looking through medieval book, gothic art, illustrations of native structures and observing nature and its form. In the beginning of the Nineteenth Century came the arrival of the Arte Nouveau which broke the straight line and sharpness of the previous. Gaudi wasn't against this adjustment and created his own style. The idea that ornament was the origin of architecture stated by John Ruskin greatly influenced him. When he had first started to develop his style he was greatly influenced by Viollet-le-Duc's book on medieval French architecture from the eleventh to the sixteenth centuries. Also, my books written by William Morris.

The End

As he grew older he had less care for his appearance. He didn't conform with societies demands and dressed without much care. In fact, when he had died after being run over by a tram, no one had recognized him. The driver didn't want to take a poor old man to the hospital, which resulted in a fine. Gaudi did not like to be in the public eye, he didn't speak with journalists and avoided cameras. Thus there are very few photographs of this great architect. He had died at the age of 74 (June 12, 1926). He was well respected in his home of Barcelona, half of the city dressed in black to give homage to this man who had become popular even though not many had ever met him. He was buried in the crypt of the Sagrada Famillia which he had spent the last 43 year as of his life though he did not live enough to see his work completed.

Major Works

The "Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia" (Barcelona)

La Pedrera Building (Casa Milà, Barcelona)

The "Casa Vicens" (Barcelona)

The "Casa Batlló" (Barcelona)

The "Finca Güell" (Barcelona)

The "Palacio Güell" (Barcelona)

"La obrera Mataronense" (Mataró, Barcelona)

"El Capricho de Comillas" (Santander, north Spain)

The "Palacio Episcopal de Astorga" (León, NW Spain)

Schools of the "Sagrada Família"

The "Casa Calvet" (Barcelona)

The "Colegio Teresiano" (Barcelona)

The "Casa Botines de León" (León)

"Las Bodegas Güell (Gaudí-Berenguer)" (Garraf, Barcelona)

The crypt of the "Colonia Güell" (Sta. Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona)

The Park Güell (Barcelona)

Bellesguard (Barcelona)

Restoration of the Cathedral of Mallorca (Mallorca)

Lampposts for the City of Barcelona

Minor Works

Own desk

Business card for himself

Showcase for the gloves shop of Esteban Comella

Furniture for the "Palacio del Marqués de Comillas"

The Gibert Pharmacy (Barcelona)

Relation between Gaudí and the religious of "Jesús-María"

Altar for Bocabella Oratory

Desk for his own eating-room in Sant Feliu de Codines

Priest house and office of Gaudí in "la Sagrada Família"

Pavilion for the Transatlantic Company

Tomb for the Güell family in Montserrat

House Clapés

Restoration of the doctor Santaló house

Standard of the choral society Feliuà

Standard of "reusenses" (people from Reus) residents in Barcelona, dedicated to the Virgin of Misericordy of Reus

"Panteón Nonell" in Lloret

Sant Gervasi de Cassoles Theatre

Santa Pacia's Church flooring (Sant Andreu)

Reminding of Miscantano for Mr. Norbert Font and Sagué

Decoration of the "Marquesa de Castelldosrius" house

Door of Finca Miralles (Barcelona)

Mountain refuge of Catllarás in Castellar de N'Hug

Artigas Garden, in la Pobla de Lillet

The" Casa Graner"

The "Talleres Badia"

The "Sala Mercè"

Project of bridge over the "Torrente de Pomeret"

Pulpit for the church of Blanes

Project of chasuble for Girona

Tower of Damián Mateu, in "Llinars del Vallès"

Standard for the locksmiths guild

Street Lamps of Vic

Restoration of the Cathedral of Manresa

Bust portrait and project of monument to Doctor "Torras y Bages"

Dedicatory to "Orfeó Català" (Catalan Choral Society)

Showcase glass Plandiura

Pulpit for Valencia

I Mistery of "Gloria de Montserrat"

Café Torino

Drawings of the tribute to "Rector de Vallfogona"